FREE Online Circle Gatherings
Nurturing Virtues, Emanating Healing

In co-creation with the Intelligence of Nature and Plants

Open Circles are informal group events that have, as core intention, the co-creation of a collective field of healing based on the Archetype of an existing plant and flower.

For each gathering we choose one living flower/plant and, in a collaborative fashion, as a group, we explore and experience its Archetypal expression. We complete our experience by intentionally emanating these healing qualities to the collective.

A Co-Created healing field that heals us, and emanates healing to the collective

  •  We gather to be nurtured by the teachings of one Plant Archetype.
  •  Our goal is to align ourselves with the plant’s intelligence and its Virtues of Wholeness and Healing.
  • Each time, one Flower and Plant Archetype is called into the Circle.
  • With curiosity and wonder, we explore its features and learn about its qualities (including its herbal and flower essence qualities).
  • We share our impressions, freely contributing to the group attunement.
  • In alignment with Higher Intelligences, we co-create a radiant healing field.
  • We immerse ourselves in these healing qualities.
  • Then, as a group, we potentize this field with intention, and we emanate this healing out to the collective, to the planet, and to all of those in need.

Our next Gatherings Dates and Times:

Save these dates on your Calendar

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Participants describe their Experience

The experiences offered by Ruth Toledo Altschuler of online meetings for the deepening of our connection with flower essences is amazing!
At the end of each meeting, the multiple and strong feelings and sensations bring us to an intimate contact with the plants and nature, even though we are virtually connecting; and, in the same way, we feel this strong connection amongst the group members.
This is my testimonial, and that is what I see in the eyes and expression of each participant at the end of the sessions!

Carolina Y. Meditation Educator, Florianopolis, BRazil

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