For the Manifestation of your Purposeful Service

In response to the yearnings of Practitioners of Flower Essence Therapy whom I've interviewed and mentored over the last years, I am launching a third iteration of this online Group Mentoring Circle starting this December.
This group experience helps us become more clear and potent voices of change, empowering us to bring our work out at a time when so much healing is needed.

Features and Frequency

The format is designed to guarantee we meet over a period of time, so we can watch each other's Practice advancing and flourishing

  • Meetings will happen within a time range of four consecutive months starting in December 2020

  • 8 participants (maximum) per group

  • Circle facilitation mode, drawing and weaving from our shared and collective wisdom

  • Teaching Content is part of each encounter

  • Interactive Forum that is private and dedicated to this community, where you can exchange messages and information with Mentor and other group participants

  • Confidentiality agreements established at start

  • Recordings available (confidential and for registered participants only)

What we will cover

Reflection and focus on your unique Services and Practice. Identifying the developmental stage of your practice, its most important needs, and how you can best develop it based on your unique strengths.

  • Reflection and perspective related to your practice and cases 
  • Support in helping you clarify your unique offerings and message
  • Feedback from colleagues and from mentor about your website, social media pages, posts, authentic marketing promotions, etc
  • Access to the deeper wisdom and encouragement of the group
  • Sharing of deeper insight on our role in the World at this time

Who will benefit from these encounters

  • Flower Essence Therapy Practitioners developing their practices

  • Established Practitioners who want to develop different offerings

  • Coaches, Healers, Bodyworkers and professionals of other fields who also use flower essences in their work

  • Dedicated students of Flower Essence Therapy who are not yet practicing

Dates and Times

Tuesdays 90 min encounters
Time: 10:00am PST, 1:00pm EST, 6:00pm UTC

December 22, 2020

January 15, 2021

January 19, 2021

February 2, 2021

February 16, 2021

March 2, 2021

March 16, 2021

March 30, 2021

Total Investment

US$180 paid upon Registration or US$ 200 in 4 installments

Testimonials on the benefits of this Mentoring

“I consider Ruth the leader of Flower Essences. She is able to hold the energy of both Earth and Sky for the natural world. With a lifetime of commitment and experience, Ruth is able to create and interpret a language for both the flowers and practitioners to understand.
I am so grateful for any opportunity to learn from her personally or professionally. Ruth is gifted as a teacher, mentor and loving human being.
The Essence Mentoring Circles led by Ruth are empowering. She gracefully asks you to tap into your own unique essence and find your voice for the natural world. She advocates for each individual to find their super power and use it to co create with nature. This is truly what our world needs to thrive.
Thank you dear Ruth for allowing me to stand in the Circle of Life with confidence and reverence as I bloom.”

Becki C., Montana, USA

“The Essence Mentoring classes with Ruth gave my Flower Essence practice a huge boost. I was able to meet and dialogue on Zoom with other practitioners, as guided by Ruth. The assignments, dialogues and reading assignments were extremely helpful. I've worked with and studied Flower Essences for 30+ years. There is always so much more to learn. Ruth is a terrific mentor! ”

Deborah L., Illinois, USA.

“Being a part of Ruth’s Mentoring Circles was a valuable and nourishing experience. Meeting with other practitioners on a regular basis created a warm community feeling where we all felt supported and seen. The guided exercises and discussions helped me clarify elements of my practice, and I really appreciated Ruth’s decades of experience in helping practitioners grow and deepen their work. If you are looking to deepen your understanding as a flower essence practitioner, I highly recommend joining this program.”

Kathleen A. Healdsburg, CA

“My experience in the 2020 mentoring circle was the most significant factor in my traveling the course of the tumultuous changes that were to follow. Ruth’s guidance and the sense of community that was formed has been my strength in continuing down the path in partnering with nature toward planetary transformation. ”

Mary Grace, Illinois, USA

“Ruth is a warm, caring, and insightful guide who beautifully held space for each of us individually and as a group. She generously shares her vast wisdom and experience working with flower essences and our conversations opened new doors of exploration for my own work with flower essences. It was a rewarding and supportive experience! ”

Lauren D., Greenbrae, CA

My motivation: why I am offering this now

In the past, individuals and businesses have inspired me while building mine
After relinquishing my first career as a photographer to be regularly present for my infant kids, I started a business close to home in an unconventional format.

At the time, I was inspired by two existing small businesses that were similar, in their originality and uniqueness, to what I wanted to create. If they were able to make it happen and make a living at it, I thought, so could I. And sure enough, I did!

Eventually I have myself become a source of inspiration for others 
Further along the way, I also became this kind of inspiration for others. Those who yearn to follow a calling, who want to feel confident that it is possible to move through change and reinvent their lives and their work, see me as someone who inspires them because I have done this with authenticity, integrity and success.

In Brazil, where I did a good part of my previous work, I am known for my courage to face and move through change, recreating and manifesting in a collaborative spirit that also helps others grow and shine.

In the field of Flower Essence Therapy where I have offered the most – 30 years of dedicated service – I have consolidated a wealth of experience as a practitioner, teacher, mentor of practitioners and teacher of other teachers.

I also had the privilege of being inspired by the wise mentoring of Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz, founders of the Flower Essence Society, and by doing many consultation exchanges with wise colleagues like the late Steve Johnson founder of the Alaskan Essences, Jane Bell and many others with whom I worked.

Experience makes me uniquely qualified

I have devoted the last three decades to intensive service to Flower Essence Therapy, having gathered a unique combination of experience unparalleled in the field.

More about my journey in the Bio page in my EssenceMentoring website.

Here are some highlights on my unique combination of experience: 

  • Ongoing effective work with great numbers of clients over three decades
  • Multiple opportunities of learning directly and working alongside our contemporary researchers and founders
  • Educator in the field of Flower Essence Therapy for over three decades
  • Coordinator, producer and translator of courses offered by the most advanced teachers in the field
  • Entrepreneur with varied experience as owner of a company that produced many courses, distributed essences and nurtured community

During these three decades I have also experienced moving my practice, and more recently performing the full relocation and change in format of my present practice. 

I am also actively involved in learning and implementing Authentic Marketing solutions. 

Based on this, I can inspire and help you plan your vision and grow your own practice to reach the ones you are meant to work with.

Join an upcoming Mentoring Circle!

This Group is already Full. Please do Contact Us for the next Mentoring Group.

In these small circles, we will practice attentive listening to your needs as a Practitioner so that your gifts and blessing can reach the ones who need your work. As each group fills, other groups may be formed. Please e-mail us expressing your interest and needs