Become a Certified Flower Essence Practitioner

This fully online Course, followed by approved Case Studies, results in your Certification by the Flower Essence Society

This Professional Course is designed for those who feel called to structure and deepen their understanding of Flower Essences and its application in Flower Essence Therapy. It combines practical and theoretical teachings, informational and experiential learning, flower essence plant studies and therapeutic profiles, counseling methods and inner work. 

In this online format, you will be inspired and oriented towards doing your own direct observation of plants and your own plant studies, while at the same time you will be amongst a group of other dedicated individuals, committed to learning how to work with clients offering flower essences.  

This Training covers the FES foundational information for building Depth in Flower Essence Therapy through the understanding of the Archetypal Map of the Human Soul, outlining the full Meta-Flora approach to Healing. It offers the opportunity for participants to apply what they are learning by working with one another, creating combinations an experimenting with a variety of approaches. 

Everyone who completes the full Training is eligible to work, under my orientation, towards presenting the three Case Studies and a few other requirements for Certification. Your final cases will be delivered to the Flower Essence Society, that will then issue your Flower Essence Practitioner Certificate.  

Highlights of what will be part of this Professional Training

  • How it all began: history of Flower Essences and Flower Essence Therapy

  • Overview of the history and unique research of the Flower Essence Society

  • Profiles of specific Plant Archetypes, studies and details on the application of important Bach and FES essences

  • Reflections on the Language of Nature and its correlation to the journey of the human Soul

  • Understanding the Meta-Flora Healing approach and its Archetypal Map of the Human Soul

  • Principles of Flower essence selection, preparation of combinations

  • Practical opportunities for selecting essences for colleagues during the course

  • Different approaches to treatment and formulation; FE Therapy as a Healing Art

  • Flower Essence Therapy seen in its most comprehensive levels of transformational depth

Access the New Practitioner Training Page

This Practitioner Training is now hosted at the School for Flower Essence Studies

The FES Practitioner Certification Training that I am authorized to offer and have been teaching for these last years through Essence Circles, is now hosted at the School for Flower Essence Studies!!
Please go to our New Page by clicking the button below.

A Training providing Richness and Depth

"The FES Professional Course is designed to create a vibrant conduit between the Soul of Nature and the Human Soul. It is an alchemical conversation between two primary sources of knowing:

1) What lies within the deepest recesses of the soul’s innate wisdom 

2) What the soul learns through its bodily senses of perception and encounter in Nature, especially in plant life

By developing a fluency between these inner and outer languages we learn how to access and assess the soul reality of others, and how to correlate the signatures and archetypes of plants with these phenomena. This mobility is at the heart of true flower essence therapy and is how the practitioner develops true skill and proficiency as a flower essence therapist"

In this training, you will practice an approach of comprehensive Plant Observation developed over the decades by the Flower Essence Society, described in much clarity in their classic publication enumerating the 12 Windows of Plant Perception. And you will dive into Plant Study practice. 

From understanding the Archetypal Qualities expressed by plants, you will be learn more about the integrity required for flower essence preparation that is finely attuned to the plants.

From there, you will be looking at the whole range of application of flower essences.  

You will participate in discussions that will help you understand how Flower Essences impact individuals, based on the principles described as the Four Stages of Flower Essence Response

Core to this Training is a step by step immersion into an expansion of the understanding of the work of Dr Bach, expressed through the full framework of the Eight Meta-Flora Levels of the Human Soul, an overview of the reach and depth of Flower Essence Therapy. 

You will be guided to find within yourself who are the ones you are being called to serve, envisioning how you want to set up your Practice to bring the essences to those in need.

FES Practitioner Training Dates and Times

Intensive Classes begin in the Fall of 2024

Intensive Classes at 9:00am Pacific time to 12:00 pm Pacific time

Dates for the upcoming Cohort will be posted at the page of the School for Flower Essence Studies

Total of 36 hours with rich materials accompanying Live presentations

Dou you have further Questions about the FES Practitioner Certification Training?

Schedule a 30 min free session, so that together, we can help decide if this Program is for you

A Training that impacts people'e Lives!

“Taking the FES Practitioner Training course with Ruth was the highlight of my year. Her grounded, organized and efficient presentation of the logistical material, mixed with her unique, elegant, and organic explorations into the world of the FES and Bach flower essences really worked for me. Ruth’s clear and concise communication style and on-going presence has been deeply supportive and engaging during the course and also now as I continue my development as a Practitioner. This course with Ruth has truly set me on my own course in the best way possible.”

Amanda K. USA

“The FES practitioner program with Ruth Toledo-Altschuler was a life-changing opportunity. Since the impact on traveling due to the pandemic, I was thrilled that FES permitted Ruth to teach this course virtually. I was blown away by the materials provided throughout the program, and I connected intimately with the flowers through Ruth's photos and her one-of-a-kind teaching style. The lessons were transmissions to my soul. I'm on a path of personal soul healing through this practitioner program, and flower essence therapies are more important than ever to share with the world as we shift together. This course and its support during and after the program is preparation enough to do so! ”

Danielle Backers - USA

“Taking the FES Practitioner Training with Ruth Altschuler was a joy in every way. This training was such a deep dive into the plants themselves as, well as the plants as flower essences. You learn how to really see the plant itself and it's gesture, and the many levels of addressing our clients, in choosing the flower essences that go into selection of a formula. Ruth has a gentle and perceptive way of teaching. You also get to enjoy her amazing photography of the plants. I highly recommend taking this training with Ruth, it very comprehensive and you will learn a lot. ”

Evfa C. - USA

“Ruth Toledo Altschuler is a remarkable teacher and practitioner of Flower Essence Therapy. She’s also a professional photographer, a skill which she brings into her course work, helping people to see the beauty and signatures of flowers and their environments.
I feel lucky to have taken workshops and courses from her, learning about the benefits and energetic qualities of flowers and in which circumstances to use them. Ruth has a warm, compassionate way of interacting with students (some of whom are already professional Flower Essence Practitioners). She fosters a community spirit and dialogue among students within her courses. In my last course with her, she impressed on us how important our work is at this time on earth and that we are here to contribute in significant ways.
I treasure Ruth as a teacher with years of expertise and profound insight and wisdom. I highly recommend her Flower Essence workshops and courses! ”

Eloise DeLeon, Energy Healer, Flower Essence Practitioner
New York, USA

“The FES practitioner training program is a beautiful, exceedingly educational, easy to access via zoom, creating new friendships in the class, and fun. The professor Ruth Toledo Alschuler creates 90% of the flower photography, and is very knowledgeable and helpful. The course covers all aspects of flower essence therapy, including how to make flower essence combinations, the specifics of different botanical families of flowers, and much of the knowledge in between. The future practitioners are supported by orientation zoom meetings every six weeks by the professor. One gets to ask questions, get specific information about the papers needing to be written, and to connect with the other future practitioners on the zoom. Altogether, it was both an intuitive and a knowledge-based experience. I definitely recommend it for anyone who is thinking about becoming a flower essence practitioner. It is challenging work, but also highly practical and enjoyable.”

Joy Wolff - Professional Psychiatric Nurse, Reiki Practitioner, Florida, USA

“I consider Ruth the leader of Flower Essences. She is able to hold the energy of both Earth and Sky for the natural world. With a lifetime of commitment and experience, Ruth is able to create and interpret a language for both the flowers and practitioners to understand.
I am so grateful for any opportunity to learn from her personally or professionally. Ruth is gifted as a teacher, mentor and loving human being.
The Essence Mentoring Circles led by Ruth are empowering. She gracefully asks you to tap into your own unique essence and find your voice for the natural world. She advocates for each individual to find their super power and use it to co create with nature. This is truly what our world needs to thrive.
Thank you dear Ruth for allowing me to stand in the Circle of Life with confidence and reverence as I bloom.”

B. C. - Flower Essence Practitioner, Herbalist, USA

FAQ - FES Practitioner Certification

  • What is required for me to become an FES Certified Practitioner?

    To become a Practitioner Certified by the Flower Essence Society you need to fulfill the following requirements:

    Attendance to this Course's sessions
    Preparation and approval of 3 Case Studies following FES specifications
    One complete Plant Study
    One Archetypal Character Study
    We understand full attendance to all LIVE classes may not be possible for everyone. It is our core criteria that each students authentic engagement and commitment to this work is what really counts, as they thread their steps towards Certification.
  • Will all sessions be Live on Zoom?

    All sessions with dates outlined in the Course Program will happen Live on Zoom. You will also have some additional pre-recorded materials to watch in between sessions.

  • Will there be Recordings of the classes? Are these downloadable?

    All segments of this Course will be recorded and will continue available indefinitely for your ongoing study. You will be granted permission to download the FES PDF printed materials, after agreeing to Copyright terms.

  • If I can't attend live to all segments of the Course, can I still qualify for the Certification?

    We would like you to participate in the LIVE classes as much as possible, so you can engage with the teacher, with the material and with the group. Your engagement is truly the most important thing for us.
    For Certification, we ask for 100% engagement with the content offered, either by fully attending to the live classes or by asynchronously following up and engaging in the pre-recorded material.
    Knowing you are sincerely and fully engaged in the program is what matters, so we will accept partial exceptions to live attendance. If you need reassurance, please Contact me for details by scheduling a 15 min session in the Contact page.

  • How much time will I have to complete my Certification work?

    After this class, you will have a year to get started on your Certification Cases. Provided you get started, you may take another year to complete all pieces. If you need more time, you can ask for extensions if needed. You can be sure you will receive encouragement to get through to the end!

  • What kind of orientation will I receive to write my Case Studies?

    As a separate follow up Program listed on this website, I am committed to dedicating time throughout the following year to clarify all doubts as you put all you've learned into Practice. This provides group encouragement for all of those who engage in doing their Certification work. When you complete all your Certification papers, for a fee of $150 your work will be evaluated, and you will be guided on what is needed until your Certification work is fully approved. In case you need private supervision hours, we will define affordable fees for that.

  • Do I have to own both FES & Bach Kits to take the Training?

    While we don't want this to be a pre-requisite for taking the course, it is recommended that you have some of the flower essences for your own experience and journey with them.
    There will be a suggestion on the Course Platform of a basic number of foundational FES essences that you should acquire to have at hand as you experience this Program.
    If you are able to invest in the full Bach Kit (we recommend the Healing Herbs), this will be a foundational one for you, always. And if you can also own the FES Quintessentials Kit, and even the Range of Light kit, this will be absolutely wonderful. So while we do encourage you to own the stock essences, please do it at your own pace and convenience, respecting your budget.

  • If I am ready to invest, what size kits should I purchase?

    The small size 1/4 ounce kits is all you need for daily work with flower essences: they are easier to handle. Later, you may want to refill the ones used the most by buying the larger 1 oz size bottles for refilling.

  • How soon are the Recordings uploaded after each class?

    After every class, within a maximum of 24 hrs the recordings will be uploaded. You will be able to follow up very soon after the rest of the group, and watch the classes for which you could not be present live.

My Qualifications for being your FES Teacher

FES trained me as a Practitioner 30 years ago: they showed me how to  understand the essences and their healing qualities by walking the path of Nature, learning through the actual teachings of the plants. This completely changed my life. Now, the Flower Essence Society has granted me the honor of also offering their full Practitioner Training Program here in the US, using the methods and rich materials developed by FES over the decades.

Serving as an Educator and Mentor helping the evolution of our field of Flower Essence Therapy is something I do out of a spirit of Devotion and Inspiration. I have lived and breathed in-depth Flower Essence Therapy for three decades now, having gathered a unique combination of experience unparalleled in the field.

My first Practitioner Training was with Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski at Terra Flora in 1991, and since then, I had numerous opportunities of studying as well as of working alongside these beloved Mentors and Teachers, often serving as their translator as well as their support person while preparing Course materials for international audiences. 

I have been Certified as a Practitioner by FES after writing my own case studies, and I also been granted their Advanced Studies Certification. Supervised by them, I have also helped organize the expansion of authorized FES teachers in Brazil, coordinating and conveying to teachers all the details of the FES Certification Process. 

I am devoted to this work and it's approach due to the integrity that characterizes everything they do, and the powerful alignment in their clear connection with Nature.

It is from this place of intimacy with the FES Flower Essences and their signatures, that I offer to train Practitioners based on FES's very own Meta-Flora approach to Healing.

Here are some highlights on my unique combination of experience in this field:

  • Ongoing effective work with great numbers of clients over three decades
  • Multiple opportunities of learning directly and working alongside our contemporary researchers and founders, highlighting here multiple instances of work with FES founders Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski
  • Educator in the field of Flower Essence Therapy for over three decades
  • Coordinator, producer and translator of courses offered by the most advanced teachers in the field, including FES founders P. Kaminski and R. Katz
  • Entrepreneur with varied experience as owner of a company that produced many courses, distributed essences and nurtured community

More about my journey in the Bio page in my EssenceMentoring website.

Flower Essence Society Official Endorsement

About Teacher by Students

“Ruth is a dedicated, generous, and inspiring mentor, teacher, and facilitator. I was considering different flower essence practitioner trainings to fulfill my goal of starting a practice. After having a consultation with Ruth, I knew I had found the mentor I was looking for. She brings a wealth of experience into the training program that offers so much value. I found the organization and structure helpful to my learning. And I greatly appreciated Ruth’s encouraging presence and perhaps most of all her own personal connection to the flowers. She has continued to be supportive in fulfilling the certification requirements, above and beyond my expectations. I feel very fortunate to have participated in this training with Ruth and very prepared to move forward as a practitioner.”

Marsha Snider, MSW - USA

“The FES practitioner training program is a beautiful, exceedingly educational, easy to access via zoom, creating new friendships in the class, and fun. The professor Ruth Toledo Alschuler creates 90% of the flower photography, and is very knowledgeable and helpful. The course covers all aspects of flower essence therapy, including how to make flower essence combinations, the specifics of different botanical families of flowers, and much of the knowledge in between. The future practitioners are supported by orientation zoom meetings every six weeks by the professor. One gets to ask questions, get specific information about the papers needing to be written, and to connect with the other future practitioners on the zoom. Altogether, it was both an intuitive and a knowledge-based experience. I definitely recommend it for anyone who is thinking about becoming a flower essence practitioner. It is challenging work, but also highly practical and enjoyable.”

Joy Wolff - Professional Psychiatric Nurse, Reiki Practitioner, Florida, USA

“As a participant of Ruth’s online courses, even 23 years after taking my first FES California Flower Essences course also led by Ruth, I still feel the same enchantment with the flowers and their essences and experience the same freshness and inspiration coming from Ruth as a teacher.
Through these courses, my use of the flower essences is renewed, as the perspective and focus that Ruth brings are of great depth, while the media rich content shared through the internet provides a form of contact with the flowers that is incredibly strong.
This is a valuable experience: the images, the sound, the quality of the content, the depth of the proposed experiences, the delicacy in listening, everything is absolutely well placed, with great zeal and care.”

Isabela Bisconcini - Flower Essence Practitioner, Jungian Psychotherapist, Family Constellations Practitioner

“Ruth Toledo Altschuler is a remarkable teacher and practitioner of Flower Essence Therapy. She’s also a professional photographer, a skill which she brings into her course work, helping people to see the beauty and signatures of flowers and their environments.
I feel lucky to have taken workshops and courses from her, learning about the benefits and energetic qualities of flowers and in which circumstances to use them. Ruth has a warm, compassionate way of interacting with students (some of whom are already professional Flower Essence Practitioners). She fosters a community spirit and dialogue among students within her courses. In my last course with her, she impressed on us how important our work is at this time on earth and that we are here to contribute in significant ways.
I treasure Ruth as a teacher with years of expertise and profound insight and wisdom. I highly recommend her Flower Essence workshops and courses! ”

Eloise DeLeon, Energy Healer, Flower Essence Practitioner
New York, USA

“Taking the FES Practitioner Training course with Ruth was the highlight of my year. Her grounded, organized and efficient presentation of the logistical material, mixed with her unique, elegant, and organic explorations into the world of the FES and Bach flower essences really worked for me. Ruth’s clear and concise communication style and on-going presence has been deeply supportive and engaging during the course and also now as I continue my development as a Practitioner. This course with Ruth has truly set me on my own course in the best way possible.”

Amanda K. USA

“I consider Ruth the leader of Flower Essences. She is able to hold the energy of both Earth and Sky for the natural world. With a lifetime of commitment and experience, Ruth is able to create and interpret a language for both the flowers and practitioners to understand.
I am so grateful for any opportunity to learn from her personally or professionally. Ruth is gifted as a teacher, mentor and loving human being.
The Essence Mentoring Circles led by Ruth are empowering. She gracefully asks you to tap into your own unique essence and find your voice for the natural world. She advocates for each individual to find their super power and use it to co create with nature. This is truly what our world needs to thrive.
Thank you dear Ruth for allowing me to stand in the Circle of Life with confidence and reverence as I bloom.”

B. C. - Flower Essence Practitioner, Herbalist, USA

“The FES practitioner program with Ruth Toledo-Altschuler was a life-changing opportunity. Since the impact on traveling due to the pandemic, I was thrilled that FES permitted Ruth to teach this course virtually. I was blown away by the materials provided throughout the program, and I connected intimately with the flowers through Ruth's photos and her one-of-a-kind teaching style. The lessons were transmissions to my soul. I'm on a path of personal soul healing through this practitioner program, and flower essence therapies are more important than ever to share with the world as we shift together. This course and its support during and after the program is preparation enough to do so! ”

Danielle Backers - USA

“When I first met Ruth Toledo Altschuler in the early 1990s, Flower Essence Therapy was in its early stages in Brazil – and Ruth emerged as a pioneer in this field.
I had the joy and fortune to accompany and enjoy the work that was beautifully offered by her, initially through Essencias Florais, a company she cofounded that imported essences into Brazil.
This was a period of great dissemination of this therapy and Ruth, with her deep knowledge, brought this work forth through the distribution of essences, coupled with promoting courses, bringing foreign researchers and offering many lectures.
When it came to fulfilling the need for English-speaking translation, she stepped up to the task with great success, with her accurate and sensitive translation. Her profound knowledge of flower essences, her sensitivity and delicacy and her knowledge of the English language, made her the preferred translator for events on this modality.
Ruth is a reference in Brazil in all aspects of Flower Essence Therapy: she is a professional that combines competence, with a deep and sensitive perception of the human soul. I, in particular, have great affection and admiration for her, for all her dedication and delicate vision, which always leads us to want to get in touch with the most beautiful and deepest in ourselves.
I am very pleased to testify and bear witness to the importance of Ruth Toledo Altschuler for Flower Essence Therapy as a pioneer, recognized by all who practice this therapy in Brazil. ”

Lizete de Paula - Flower Essence Practitioner, Educator, Community Organizer - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Attending Ruth’s online programs, I reached a higher level of understanding flower essences. Her kindness, her wisdom, her soulful connection with plants, her rich knowledge of flower essences, her 30-year practice as a flower essence practitioner, her eloquent presentations, make her a unique, inspiring teacher.”

Markella Karamaouna Ph.D, Biologist and Flower Essence Practitioner

Social proof: testimonials

“As a participant of Ruth’s online courses, even 23 years after taking my first FES California Flower Essences course also led by Ruth, I still feel the same enchantment with the flowers and their essences and experience the same freshness and inspiration coming from Ruth as a teacher.
Through these courses, my use of the flower essences is renewed, as the perspective and focus that Ruth brings are of great depth, while the media rich content shared through the internet provides a form of contact with the flowers that is incredibly strong.
This is a valuable experience: the images, the sound, the quality of the content, the depth of the proposed experiences, the delicacy in listening, everything is absolutely well placed, with great zeal and care.”

Isabela Bisconcini - Flower Essence Practitioner, Jungian Psychotherapist, Family Constellations Practitioner

“When I first met Ruth Toledo Altschuler in the early 1990s, Flower Essence Therapy was in its early stages in Brazil – and Ruth emerged as a pioneer in this field.
I had the joy and fortune to accompany and enjoy the work that was beautifully offered by her, initially through Essencias Florais, a company she cofounded that imported essences into Brazil.
This was a period of great dissemination of this therapy and Ruth, with her deep knowledge, brought this work forth through the distribution of essences, coupled with promoting courses, bringing foreign researchers and offering many lectures.
When it came to fulfilling the need for English-speaking translation, she stepped up to the task with great success, with her accurate and sensitive translation. Her profound knowledge of flower essences, her sensitivity and delicacy and her knowledge of the English language, made her the preferred translator for events on this modality.
Ruth is a reference in Brazil in all aspects of Flower Essence Therapy: she is a professional that combines competence, with a deep and sensitive perception of the human soul. I, in particular, have great affection and admiration for her, for all her dedication and delicate vision, which always leads us to want to get in touch with the most beautiful and deepest in ourselves.
I am very pleased to testify and bear witness to the importance of Ruth Toledo Altschuler for Flower Essence Therapy as a pioneer, recognized by all who practice this therapy in Brazil. ”

Lizete de Paula - Flower Essence Practitioner, Educator, Community Organizer - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“I consider Ruth the leader of Flower Essences. She is able to hold the energy of both Earth and Sky for the natural world. With a lifetime of commitment and experience, Ruth is able to create and interpret a language for both the flowers and practitioners to understand.
I am so grateful for any opportunity to learn from her personally or professionally. Ruth is gifted as a teacher, mentor and loving human being.
The Essence Mentoring Circles led by Ruth are empowering. She gracefully asks you to tap into your own unique essence and find your voice for the natural world. She advocates for each individual to find their super power and use it to co create with nature. This is truly what our world needs to thrive.
Thank you dear Ruth for allowing me to stand in the Circle of Life with confidence and reverence as I bloom.”

B. C. - Flower Essence Practitioner, Herbalist, USA

“Ruth Toledo Altschuler is a remarkable teacher and practitioner of Flower Essence Therapy. She’s also a professional photographer, a skill which she brings into her course work, helping people to see the beauty and signatures of flowers and their environments.
I feel lucky to have taken workshops and courses from her, learning about the benefits and energetic qualities of flowers and in which circumstances to use them. Ruth has a warm, compassionate way of interacting with students (some of whom are already professional Flower Essence Practitioners). She fosters a community spirit and dialogue among students within her courses. In my last course with her, she impressed on us how important our work is at this time on earth and that we are here to contribute in significant ways.
I treasure Ruth as a teacher with years of expertise and profound insight and wisdom. I highly recommend her Flower Essence workshops and courses! ”

Eloise DeLeon, Energy Healer, Flower Essence Practitioner
New York, USA

“The FES practitioner program with Ruth Toledo-Altschuler was a life-changing opportunity. Since the impact on traveling due to the pandemic, I was thrilled that FES permitted Ruth to teach this course virtually. I was blown away by the materials provided throughout the program, and I connected intimately with the flowers through Ruth's photos and her one-of-a-kind teaching style. The lessons were transmissions to my soul. I'm on a path of personal soul healing through this practitioner program, and flower essence therapies are more important than ever to share with the world as we shift together. This course and its support during and after the program is preparation enough to do so! ”

Danielle Backers - USA

“Attending Ruth’s online programs, I reached a higher level of understanding flower essences. Her kindness, her wisdom, her soulful connection with plants, her rich knowledge of flower essences, her 30-year practice as a flower essence practitioner, her eloquent presentations, make her a unique, inspiring teacher.”

Markella Karamaouna Ph.D, Biologist and Flower Essence Practitioner

“In 2021 I participated in Ruth’s workshop Deepening Circles and was delighted to find a very warm and connected online community of practitioners and interested learners. Ruth is an incredibly dedicated teacher. She has the gift of being able to intuitively guide her students to the subtle qualities of a flower essence by encouraging open sharing and deep listening. Under her tutelage and care my understanding of flower essence therapy blossomed.
Ruth also presented beautifully crafted learning materials, with many references and resources, beyond what I was expecting. As a beginning practitioner I have much more to learn, and it’s reassuring to know I can revisit my class materials or make an appointment with Ruth herself. I very much look forward to attending Ruth’s programs and workshops in the future.”

Penny Kelleher, Flower Essence Practitioner & Homeopathy student