Two 90 min Monthly Events

  • One Plant Archetype Study

    Once every month we will experience a 90 min in depth study of one Plant Archetype in all its details and aspects. We will look at its Botanical family, attune to its healing qualities, and share about its uses and applications in Flower Essence Therapy.

  • One Monthly Focus Topic

    Once a month, our 90 min discussion will focus on one specific topic in the context of Flower Essence Therapy. The application of flower essences for this topic's issues, as related to the highlighted Plant Archetype Essence studied in the previous session.

One Plant Archetype monthly study session

A Focused in Depth Study of one Flower Essence Plant 

We will look at its Botanical family, its features, lore, healing qualities and its different forms of application in Flower Essence Therapy.

  • Looking at the chosen plant's Signature in all its details
  • Understanding the unique features that are common to its Botanical Family
  • Understanding how this plant grows and relates to its eco-system
  • Understanding its known healing qualities, research and application
  • Attunement and sharing of our own experience of its healing qualities
  • Practitioners share their professional experience using this essence
  • Featured Plants here will be either Bach Flower Essences or FES
  • Questions are answered related to this flower essence
  • Recordings will provide a library of shared knowledge accessible to participants for review and integration over time

One Topic per month, and how to approach this theme in the context of Flower Essence Therapy

In depth discussion on how to approach a specific topic in the context of Flower Essence Therapy. We will cover different essences that have been used to address these specific passages and issues, how they work and how these essences are applied for specific goals. 

One example: Flower essences to support mother child bonding and the breastfeeding journey.

  • Looking at the various aspects of the chosen topic
  • Working with essences on present issues and also on past imprints
  • Essences covered include Bach, FES, Alaskan, Flora of Asia and Bush Essences
  • Results and other possible concurrent and complementary therapies
  • Timing and rhythm when working on these specific topics
  • Practitioners will mention cases and share their experiences
  • Recordings will provide a rich library of knowledge and reference material

Flower Essence Language and Principles, for deep understanding and precise application

Ongoing encounters allow for meaningful conversations in a shared language that we love, but may rarely have a chance to engage in. This will happen within a community of like minded and resonant hearted others, that you will get to meet frequently and engage with throughout time.

Learning and studying Flower Essence Plant Archetypes and their application is a never ending Journey. And part of this journey can be enriched by experiencing it within our community! 

Each session brings added pieces that are woven with previous ones, as we generate a shared reservoir of knowledge that we can refer back to, and that builds over time.

Features and Frequency

Program Modules includes two Interactive study events per month
Program includes access to Recordings of previous events

  • Each Module lasts 5 Consecutive Months

  • Professional Development Studies happen within the context of a supportive Community

  • Lectures/presentations are followed by an interactive format in which participants share their contribution

  • Circle facilitation mode draws and weaves in our shared and collective wisdom

  • Plant Archetype featured will be announced 10 or more days before the session

  • Participants who start after program has began can join in, and have access to previous recordings

  • In an Interactive Forum dedicated to this community, you can exchange messages and information with Mentor and other group participants

  • One Plant Archetype in depth Study each month

  • One related Topic discussion per month

  • Constant presence helps build community bonds

Who will benefit from these encounters

  • Flower Essence Therapy Practitioners who want to deepen their Professional Development while engaging in Community

  • Dedicated students of Flower Essence Therapy who are not yet practicing

  • Established Practitioners who want to contribute with their experience

  • Beginners who want to have the opportunity of being in the presence of, and learning from, more experienced professionals

Themes for the March Online Live Events

  • Sweet Chestnut Plant Archetype Study

    For our first Live Event, we will experience a 90 min in depth study of the Sweet Chestnut plant in its numerous details and aspects. We will look at other plants in its Botanical family, attune to its unique healing qualities, and share about its uses and applications in Flower Essence Therapy.

  • Flower Essences as allies through dark Soul passages

    Our 90 min discussion will focus on how Flower Essences can be Allies providing support through periods of despondency, hopelessness or the very Dark Night of the Soul. We will compare flower essences for this topic's issues and discuss how we see these initiations in the light of our deeper Soul work.

Themes for the April Online Live Events

  • Shooting Star Plant Archetype Study

    For our Second Live Event, we will experience a 90 min in depth study of the Shooting Star plant in its numerous details and aspects. We will look at other plants in its Botanical family, attune to its unique healing qualities, and share about its uses and applications in Flower Essence Therapy.

  • Flower Essences as allies on Belonging and Inclusion

    Our 90 min discussion will focus on how Flower Essences can be Allies providing support through the transformation of deep feelings of not belonging, of alienation and isolation. We will compare flower essences for this topic's issues and discuss how we see these initiations in the light of our deeper Soul work.

Themes for the May Online Live Events

  • Madrone Plant and Flower Archetype Study

    For our Third Live Event, we will experience a 90 min in depth study of the Madrone plant in its numerous details and aspects. We will look at other plants in its Botanical family, attune to its unique healing qualities, and share about its uses and applications in Flower Essence Therapy.

  • Flower Essences: allies for Nurturing and Embodiment

    Our 90 min discussion will focus on how Flower Essences can be Allies providing support through the transformation of deep feelings of lack of nurturing, or difficulty feeling nurtured. We will compare flower essences for this topic's issues and discuss how we see these initiations in the light of our deeper Soul work.

Dates and Times

Thursdays: 90 min encounters plus 15 min open Q&A
Time: 10:00am PST, 1:00pm EST, 6:00pm UTC

March 11, 2021

March 25, 2021

April 8, 2021

April 22, 2021

May 13, 2021

May 27, 2021

June 10, 2021

June 24, 2021

July 8, 2021

July 22, 2021

Past experience makes me uniquely qualified

Serving as an Educator and Mentor helping the evolution of our field of Flower Essence Therapy is something I do out of a spirit of Devotion and Inspiration. 

I have lived and breathed in-depth Flower Essence Therapy for three decades now, having gathered a unique combination of experience unparalleled in the field.

All the many years sponsoring and translating classes by the most important Mentors in the field of Flower Essence Therapy, has given me an intimate insight into their understanding and approach. All the while, when preparing my own classes, I am always committed to deepening my studies even further, to offer renewed perspectives.

Here are some highlights on my unique combination of experience:

  • Ongoing effective work with great numbers of clients over three decades
  • Multiple opportunities of learning directly and working alongside our contemporary researchers and founders
  • Educator in the field of Flower Essence Therapy for over three decades
  • Coordinator, producer and translator of courses offered by the most advanced teachers in the field
  • Entrepreneur with varied experience as owner of a company that produced many courses, distributed essences and nurtured community

More about my journey in the Bio page in my EssenceMentoring website.

FAQ - Program of Deepening Studies for Professional Development

  • Will I know the Plant Archetypes and Topics chosen beforehand? In time for me to acquire the essence?

    Yes, the Plant Archetype and Topic chosen will be announced at least 10 days before the Plant Study session. Further choices will be defined following requests and needs expressed by the group.

  • Are Bach and FES (California) essences the main featured Plant Archetypes chosen?

    For the Plant Archetype in depth immersion, the flowers chosen will be either from the Bach essences or from the FES researched essences.

  • For the Topic Discussion, will you cover essences from other systems?

    Yes, during the monthly Topic discussion, most essences referenced will be Bach and FES, plus Alaskan Essences, Flora of Asia and Bush Essences.

  • What happens right after I enroll in this Professional Development Program? Can I enroll after it has already started?

    Right after enrollment, you gain access to the invitations and link for all upcoming Live Events. In case you are joining a Module that has already began, you also gain immediate access to existing Recordings that will be added over time.

  • Once enrolled, do I have to participate in all Live Events?

    You can participate Live whenever you want, and you can also just watch the recordings. The advantage of participating live is the possibility of interacting with colleagues, bringing both your questions as well as your enriching contributions.

  • Can I interrupt my enrollment? What happens if I do so?

    You may exit this Professional Development Program at any time and for any reason. All you need to do is cancel your Monthly registration. If you decide to leave the Program before it ends, however, you will not have access to the Recordings.

  • After each 5 Month Program ends, for how long do I have access to the Recordings?

    Once each Module of 5 Months (and 10 Live Events) is completed, you will have access to the Recordings for at least one more year, and certainly for as long as we maintain this service in this platform.

  • As a Beginner, will I be able to follow and understand the content shared? What are your pre-requisites?

    If you are a total beginner, you will probably need to supplement your understanding of the very basics of Flower Essences and their use by taking a few beginner level Basic Courses. We will soon have a Self Study Basics Course available, that will be bundled as part of this Program.


“As a participant of Ruth’s online courses, even 23 years after taking my first FES California Flower Essences course also led by Ruth, I still feel the same enchantment with the flowers and their essences and experience the same freshness and inspiration coming from Ruth as a teacher.
Through these courses, my use of the flower essences is renewed, as the perspective and focus that Ruth brings are of great depth, while the media rich content shared through the internet provides a form of contact with the flowers that is incredibly strong.
This is a valuable experience: the images, the sound, the quality of the content, the depth of the proposed experiences, the delicacy in listening, everything is absolutely well placed, with great zeal and care.”

Isabela Bisconcini - Flower Essence Practitioner, Jungian Psychotherapist, Family Constellations Practitioner

“I consider Ruth the leader of Flower Essences. She is able to hold the energy of both Earth and Sky for the natural world. With a lifetime of commitment and experience, Ruth is able to create and interpret a language for both the flowers and practitioners to understand.
I am so grateful for any opportunity to learn from her personally or professionally. Ruth is gifted as a teacher, mentor and loving human being.
The Essence Mentoring Circles led by Ruth are empowering. She gracefully asks you to tap into your own unique essence and find your voice for the natural world. She advocates for each individual to find their super power and use it to co create with nature. This is truly what our world needs to thrive.
Thank you dear Ruth for allowing me to stand in the Circle of Life with confidence and reverence as I bloom.”

Becki Cook - Flower Essence Practitioner, Herbalist, Educator, Montessori Teacher

“When I first met Ruth Toledo Altschuler in the early 1990s, Flower Essence Therapy was in its early stages in Brazil – and Ruth emerged as a pioneer in this field.
I had the joy and fortune to accompany and enjoy the work that was beautifully offered by her, initially through Essencias Florais, a company she cofounded that imported essences into Brazil.
This was a period of great dissemination of this therapy and Ruth, with her deep knowledge, brought this work forth through the distribution of essences, coupled with promoting courses, bringing foreign researchers and offering many lectures.
When it came to fulfilling the need for English-speaking translation, she stepped up to the task with great success, with her accurate and sensitive translation. Her profound knowledge of flower essences, her sensitivity and delicacy and her knowledge of the English language, made her the preferred translator for events on this modality.
Ruth is a reference in Brazil in all aspects of Flower Essence Therapy: she is a professional that combines competence, with a deep and sensitive perception of the human soul. I, in particular, have great affection and admiration for her, for all her dedication and delicate vision, which always leads us to want to get in touch with the most beautiful and deepest in ourselves.
I am very pleased to testify and bear witness to the importance of Ruth Toledo Altschuler for Flower Essence Therapy as a pioneer, recognized by all who practice this therapy in Brazil. ”

Lizete de Paula - Flower Essence Practitioner, Educator, Community Organizer - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil